Open banking

Abstract UI text and UI elements
Open Banking
24 Nov 2020

UX/UI guides: how to increase open banking adoption

The best UX/UI practices to boost your product’s open banking conversion. Here's how...
Money moving through a digital network
Open Banking
28 Oct 2020

The ultimate guide to open banking examples and use cases

Read our ultimate guide to open banking use cases & examples, analysing thousands of API calls to find the most promising uses. Learn more here.
UI elements moving upwards
Open Banking
12 Oct 2020

5 lessons on launching an open banking app in Ireland

Olivia and Irish Life co-launched one of Ireland's first open banking apps. Here’s what we learned.
Map of europe with money moving between countries
Open Banking
5 Aug 2020

How different banks have implemented PSD2 in Europe

Here at TrueLayer, we’ve been experiencing first-hand the varying ways banks have implemented PSD2.
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Open Banking
8 Apr 2020

What’s the difference anyway? Comparing open banking in the UK to Australia

One of the main questions we get asked by our UK clients is: “So how, exactly, is open banking different in other parts of the world?”
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Open Banking
2 Apr 2020

Customers and the data chain: Agents and others

Looking beyond data retrieval, what are the protections for onward sharing of transaction data?
interlocking data chains
Open Banking
26 Mar 2020

Customers and the Data Chain: Retrieving data

How are customers protected in open banking?
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Open Banking
2 Mar 2020

Understanding the Consumer Data Right — Australia’s take on open banking

Helping our customers go global is part of the deal. Here, we tell you all about Australia’s take on open banking.
Compliance & reg
6 Feb 2020

Does open banking require PSD2 eIDAS certification?

Find out how we assisted our regulated clients in preparing for PSD2 open banking certification. Learn more about PSD2 eIDAS certificates here.
Open Banking
23 Dec 2019

2020 open banking predictions

Open banking started to take off in 2019 — what will 2020 hold? Here are my predictions.
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Open Banking
16 Apr 2019

Switch to open banking from credential sharing today

Starting in September non-open banking methods of accessing data will be deemed non-compliant. Get ready and start integrating open banking today.
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Open Banking
5 Feb 2019

Open banking: build vs buy

What we've learned about why our clients have chosen to accelerate with TrueLayer, instead of building their own open banking data connectors.