Product update – we're live with open banking

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Vedika Jain, Product manager
31 Oct 2018

Our aim is to constantly improve TrueLayer’s Data API. Building your application with TrueLayer means you get access to the latest in financial technology as you grow, technology improves and the industry evolves. You can rely on us to keep building the best API platform to access financial data to fit your needs.

Since the arrival of open banking in early 2018, our team have been iterating to build the best API platform for developers to build applications using open banking data. We’ve been building from the ground-up, software infrastructure for speed, security, and developer use.

After 3 months of private Beta testing, we’re happy to announce we are opening up access to Open Banking Data in a public beta using our Data API! You can sidestep the integration costs of integrating with the tens of fragmented open banking APIs, and many more to come as open banking grows.

Product Demo

How can I access open banking today?

The Data API is fully-loaded out of the box with open banking, PSD2 and direct access capabilities. If you’re an existing TrueLayer Data API user or a new one, you can now show all available open banking providers in our bank login flow (Auth Dialog).

Option 1: Console access

From our Console, you can select the `enable_open_banking_providers` parameter in our Auth Link Builder to automatically build the Auth Link for you. You can also control if you want to show all available credential sharing and oAuth (Ex. Monzo) banks.

Option 2: Manual access

If you prefer to update your authentication link manually instead, just add an enable_open_banking_providers=true parameter.

No further integration changes are required. Our API documentation has everything you need to use open banking within our Data API.

What’s coming up?

  • Access to direct debits, standing orders and bank product data via Open Banking;

  • Bank-specific ability to control whether to use Open Banking, Credential Sharing or turn off completely a bank in the Auth Dialog;

  • Ability to control the order of the banks in the Auth Dialog.

Start building with TrueLayer

We’re inspired by companies interested in building applications using real-time financial data Thus, we’re committed to continuing to build products that allow you to turn your ideas into production-ready applications with a few lines of code.

Start building with TrueLayer today!

Got some feedback for us? We’re always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Read our docs, contact support or sales.

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